Black Type Race

Lucien Barriere Grand Prix de Deauville - G2, €200,000, DVL,

08/31/14, , 1 9/16m, 02:51.840, T, SF
Margins: HD, 1, 5 Odds:
1-- Cocktail Queen (Ire), 126, m, 15, by Motivator (GB)
1st Dam: Premier Prize (GB) by Selkirk
2nd Dam: Spot Prize by Seattle Dancer
3rd Dam: Lucky Brook by What Luck
O: Jc Smith
B: Littleton Stud
T: Bollack-Badel Mme M
$149,710 Lifetime: 13-3-3-1, $263,880
2-- Gatewood (GB), 129, h, 17, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: Felicity (Ire) by Selkirk
2nd Dam: Las Flores (Ire) by Sadler's Wells
3rd Dam: Producer by Nashua
O: O.T.I. Racing/G. Strawbridge
B: George Strawbridge
T: Gosden John
J: Buick W
$57,783 Lifetime: 22-8-8-2, $648,967
1st Dam: Angel Star (Brz) by Special Nash (Ire)
2nd Dam: Savethelastdance (Aus) by Redoute's Choice (Aus)
3rd Dam: Vadlamixa (Fr) by Linamix (Fr)
O: B Steinbruch
B: Haras Phillipson
T: Smaga D
J: Benoist G
$27,578 Lifetime: 12-1-2-4, $409,524

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