Black Type Race

Swynford S. - L, $125,000, WO,

09/07/14, , 7f, 01:23.970, AW.
Margins: 2, 1HF, 1HF Odds: 2.45, 0.95, 8.4
1-- Conquest Boogaloo, 118, h, 13, by Scat Daddy
1st Dam: Jules Best by Jules
2nd Dam: Whitney's Best by Whitney Tower
3rd Dam: Bestsayes by Marsayas
O: Conquest Stables, LLC
B: James Everatt, Janeane Everatt, ArikaEveratt-Meeuse & Tim Meeuse
T: Casse Mark
J: Husbands P
$82,701 Lifetime: 3-2-0-0, $119,765
2-- Glenville Gardens, 115, g, 13, by Street Cry (Ire)
1st Dam: Navy Gardens by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Marley Vale by Forty Niner
3rd Dam: Waggley by Hagley
O: Melnyk Racing Stables, Inc.
B: Eugene Melnyk
T: Carroll Josie
J: Contreras Luis
$22,973 Lifetime: 1-0-1-0, $22,973
3-- Honkeytonk Man, 115, h, 13, by Bluegrass Cat
1st Dam: Union City by Dixie Union
2nd Dam: City Sister by Carson City
3rd Dam: Demi Souer by Storm Bird
O: Rowbotham, D. and Partners
B: Blue Devil Racing Stable, LLC
T: Silvera Arthur
J: Wilson Emma Jayne
$12,635 Lifetime: 5-0-2-2, $61,951

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