Black Type Race

PRIX DE LUTECE - G3, €80,000, LCP,

09/07/14, , 1 7/8m, 03:16.700, T, GD
Margins: HF, 1 1/4, 1HF Odds:
1-- Auvray (Fr), 121, h, 14, by Le Havre (Ire)
1st Dam: Ameyrah (Ire) by In the Wings (GB)
2nd Dam: Alfaaselah (Ger) by
3rd Dam: Alya (Ger) by Lombard (Ger)
B: 1 0 Franklin Finance S.A. & 1mme 1el eth Vidal
T: Lellouche E
J: Benoist G
$51,811 Lifetime: 10-4-1-1, $161,463
2-- GLARING (GB), 121, h, 14, by Champs Elysees (GB)
1st Dam: Brightest (GB) by Rainbow Quest
2nd Dam: Wemyss Bight (GB) by Dancing Brave
3rd Dam: Bahamian (Ire) by Mill Reef
B: Millsec Limited
T: Fabrea
$20,725 Lifetime: 5-1-2-0, $59,800
3-- Theme Astral (Fr), 121, g, 14, by Cape Cross (Ire)
1st Dam: Lumiere Astrale (Fr) by Trempolino
2nd Dam: Lumiere Rouge (Fr) by Indian Ridge (Ire)
3rd Dam: Lumen Dei by Raise a Native
T: Bary P
$15,543 Lifetime: 5-1-0-1, $44,454

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