Black Type Race

Flashy Lady S. $0, RP,

09/28/14, , 6f, 01:09.720.
Margins: 3 3/4, HD, 3/4 Odds: 5.6, 3.6, 2.9
1-- Fast N Fine Lookin, 116, m, 14, by Forestry
1st Dam: Somethingintheway by Unbridled's Song
2nd Dam: Lady Dixie by Dixieland Band
3rd Dam: Chimes by Mr. Prospector
O: C. R. Trout
B: Hermitage Farm LLC
T: Trout C R
J: Loveberry Jareth
$30,000 Lifetime: 4-3-1-0, $63,738
2-- Dancin' Lil, 123, m, 16, by Fusaichi Pegasus
1st Dam: Blabby B. by Tabasco Cat
2nd Dam: Rakida B by Mari's Book
3rd Dam: Another Notch by Cox's Ridge
O: Danny R. Caldwell
B: Cindy Keegan
T: Villafranco Frederico
J: Vazquez R A
$10,000 Lifetime: 25-7-4-8, $248,383
3-- Lasting Bubbles, 123, m, 17, by Pulling Punches
1st Dam: Slim's Secret by Desert Secret (Ire)
2nd Dam: Baby Smooth by Apalachee
3rd Dam: Little Cannes by Marshua's Dancer
O: Judy Peek
B: Judy Peek
T: Peek Kevin
J: Quinonez L S
$5,500 Lifetime: 24-9-6-2, $301,081

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