Black Type Race

Arctic Queen S. $0, FL,

10/04/14, , 6f, 01:12.110.
Margins: 1 1/4, 3/4, 2 Odds: 6.2, 5, 2.25
1-- Capella Dancer, 118, m, 16, by Rockport Harbor
1st Dam: Buddy's Bird by Buddy
2nd Dam: Lovely Bird by
3rd Dam: Swift Gal by
O: Happy Face Racing Stable
B: Winter Creek Farm, Joseph Daniels &Jennifer Daniels
T: Ferraro Michael
J: Vergara D P
$30,000 Lifetime: 30-11-9-3, $243,176
2-- Atlantic's Smile, 122, m, 15, by Stormy Atlantic
1st Dam: Serenity's Smile by Dixie Brass
2nd Dam: Aggressivebynature by Distinctive Pro
3rd Dam: Such A Golden Suzi by John's Gold
O: Francis J. Paolangeli
B: Francis Paolangeli
T: Baker Charlton
J: Husbands S P
$10,000 Lifetime: 11-3-3-0, $169,073
3-- Vicki's Dancer, 120, m, 16, by Disco Rico
1st Dam: Love That Glitter by Glitterman
2nd Dam: Lovingyoualways by Acaroid
3rd Dam: Miss High Brow by Gallapiat
O: Dubb, Michael, Bethlehem Stables LLC and Aisquith, Gary
B: Robert Jarras
T: Rodriguez Rudy R
J: Rohena Wilfredo
$5,000 Lifetime: 25-5-5-8, $364,025

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