Black Type Race

QNB Prix Dollar - G2, €200,000, LCP,

10/04/14, , 1 1/4m, 02:05.780, T, GD
Margins: 1 1/4, HD, NK Odds:
1-- Fractional (Ire), 126, g, 16, by Manduro (Ger)
1st Dam: Sharp Point (Ire) by Royal Academy
2nd Dam: Nice Point (GB) by
3rd Dam: Alpine Niece (GB) by Great Nephew (GB)
O: Godolphin S.N.C.
B: Darley
T: Fabrea
$142,648 Lifetime: 11-8-0-1, $376,984
2-- Hippy (Fr), 122, m, 17, by Muhtathir (GB)
1st Dam: Peace and Love (Fr) by Highest Honor (Fr)
2nd Dam: Battle Quest (Fr) by
3rd Dam: Bathyale (Fr) by Green Dancer
O: J Seror
B: M. Jacques Seror
T: Libaud E
$55,057 Lifetime: 28-6-5-2, $342,326
3-- Calling Out (Fr), 121, h, 14, by Martaline (GB)
1st Dam: Exit the Straight (Ire) by Exit to Nowhere
2nd Dam: Straight Miss (Ire) by In the Wings (GB)
3rd Dam: Straight Lass (Ire) by Machiavellian
O: G Laboureau
B: M. John Studd
T: Gauvin Jp
J: Benoist G
$26,277 Lifetime: 10-2-2-3, $148,867

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