Black Type Race

Oklahoma Classics Filly & Mare Starter Allowance S. $0, RP,

10/17/14, , 7f, 01:24.610.
Margins: 2HF, 1, HF Odds: 0.2, 16.7, 8.5
1-- Lounge Lady, 123, m, 15, by Cuvee
1st Dam: Goodgollymisspolly by Lil E. Tee
2nd Dam: Polly's Rumor by Spread the Rumor
3rd Dam: Polygon Sun by
O: Danny R. Caldwell
B: RML Thoroughbreds, LLC
T: Villafranco Frederico
J: Vazquez R A
$20,820 Lifetime: 19-7-2-4, $144,903
2-- Booleanna, 123, m, 18, by Scottish Halo
1st Dam: Miss Leah Lou by Kentucky Jazz
2nd Dam: Miss Boogooloo by
3rd Dam: Ooloo by
O: Sally Nolen
B: Ann S Ethridge
T: Nolen Kenneth
J: Medina Jose Angel
$6,940 Lifetime: 27-4-8-6, $104,222
3-- Heatofthestorm, 123, m, 16, by Latent Heat
1st Dam: Storm Me September by Summer Squall
2nd Dam: Kate's College by Carr de Naskra
3rd Dam: Majestic Street by Majestic Prince
O: Wise, Ron and Swan, Aaron
B: John E Smicklas Living Trust &Barbara R Smicklas Living Trust
T: Young Scott E
J: Wethey Floyd Jr
$3,817 Lifetime: 26-5-6-8, $156,619

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