Black Type Race

Worthingtons Burlison Inns S. - G3, £59,022, NBY,

10/25/14, , 1 1/2m, 02:44.520, T, SF
Margins: 9, HF, 2HF Odds:
1-- Sky Hunter (GB), 130, g, 15, by Motivator (GB)
1st Dam: Pearl Kite by Silver Hawk
2nd Dam: Spur Wing by Storm Bird
3rd Dam: Equal Change by Arts and Letters
O: Godolphin
B: Darley
T: 04bin Suroor Saeed
J: Doyle James
$54,738 Lifetime: 9-6-0-1, $431,743
2-- Island Remede (GB), 120, m, 14, by Medicean (GB)
1st Dam: Island Odyssey (GB) by Dansili (GB)
2nd Dam: Tetravella (Ire) by Groom Dancer
3rd Dam: Vanya (Ire) by Busted (GB)
O: Mrs Janice Quy
B: Mrs J. M. Quy
T: Dunlop Ed
$20,752 Lifetime: 13-1-3-2, $42,327
3-- Battalion (Ire), 130, g, 15, by Authorized (Ire)
1st Dam: Zigarra (GB) by Halling
2nd Dam: Danzigaway by Danehill
3rd Dam: Blushing Away by Blushing Groom (Fr)
O: Sheikh Juma Dalmook Al Maktoum
B: Kildaragh Stud
J: De Sousa S
$10,386 Lifetime: 11-3-1-3, $87,034

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