Black Type Race

Golden State Juvenile S. $0, SA,

11/01/14, , 7f, 01:21.700.
Margins: 1 1/4, 1HF, 7 1/4 Odds: 0.7, 2.7, 4.2
1-- Acceptance, 121, h, 13, by Vronsky
1st Dam: Allswellthatnswell by Perfect Mandate
2nd Dam: A Lucky Happening by Something Lucky
3rd Dam: Happy Happenings by Kennedy Road
O: Johnston, E. W. and Judy and Riggio, Robert
B: Old English Rancho
T: Warren Donald
J: Trujillo E
$110,000 Lifetime: 2-2-0-0, $143,600
2-- Wake Up Nick, 121, h, 13, by Cindago
1st Dam: Storm Hearted by Lion Hearted
2nd Dam: Shallah by
3rd Dam: Temper the Wind by Elocutionist
O: Reddam Racing LLC
B: Lee Searing & Susan Searing
T: Mora Leandro
J: Gutierrez Mario
$38,000 Lifetime: 6-5-1-0, $346,784
3-- Mischief Clem, 121, g, 13, by Papa Clem
1st Dam: Glitteringmischief by Bold Badgett
2nd Dam: Glitter Ice by Icecapade
3rd Dam: Splendid Lite by Ambehaving
O: Griffin Thoroughbred Stables
B: SLU, Inc.
T: Hess R B Jr
J: Desormeaux K J
$22,000 Lifetime: 3-2-0-1, $101,800

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