Black Type Race

Santa Anita H. - G1, $1,000,000, SA,

03/07/15, 4yo+, 1 1/4m, 2:0.67.
Margins: 4 1/4,HD,2 Odds: 0.30,9.10,16.00
1-- Shared Belief, 125, g, 14, by Candy Ride (Arg)&timeframeBT=20000 #tot">Candy Ride (Arg)
1st Dam: Common Hope by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Sown by Grenfall
3rd Dam: Bad Seed by Stevward
O: Jungle Racing LLC, KMN Racing LLC, Hollendorfer, Litt, Solis II and Todaro
B: Pam and Martin Wygod
T: Jerry Hollendorfer
J: Mike E. Smith
$600,000 Lifetime: 12-10-0-0,$2,932,200
2-- Moreno, 121, g, 15, by Ghostzapper
1st Dam: Danceinthesunlight by A.P. Indy
2nd Dam: Dancethruthedawn by Mr. Prospector
3rd Dam: Dance Smartly by Danzig
O: Southern Equine Stable LLC
B: Southern Equine Stables, LLC
T: Eric J. Guillot
J: Santiago Gonzalez
$200,000 Lifetime: 27-4-9-4,$2,966,940
1st Dam: Callaia (Arg) by Lode
2nd Dam: Calabraise (Arg) by Phone Trick
3rd Dam: Caranga by Caro (Ire)
O: Haras Santa Maria de Araras
B: Estacion de Montas La Mission S. A. & Tupacireta S.R.L.A.G.
T: Richard E. Mandella
J: Gary L. Stevens
$120,000 Lifetime: 5-3-0-2,$341,760

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