Black Type Race

Fantasy S. - G3, $400,000, OP,

04/04/15, 3yo, 1 1/16m, 1:44.16.
Margins: NK,NK,3 Odds: 18.80,3.90,11.60
1-- Include Betty, 121, m, 13, by Include
1st Dam: Betty's Solutions by Eltish
2nd Dam: Betty Lobelia by Assert (Ire)
3rd Dam: Fair Rosalind by Exclusive Native
O: Jones, Brereton C. and Thornton, Timothy C.
B: Lavin Bloodstock & Brereton C. Jones
T: Thomas F. Proctor
J: Rosemary B. Homeister, Jr.
$240,000 Lifetime: 9-3-2-1,$363,030
2-- Oceanwave, 117, m, 13, by Harlan's Holiday
1st Dam: Tamboz by Tapit
2nd Dam: Winning Call by Deputy Minister
3rd Dam: Call Now by Wild Again
O: West, Gary and Mary
B: Popatop, LLC
T: Wayne M. Catalano
J: Ramon A. Vazquez
$80,000 Lifetime: 7-2-2-1,$223,600
3-- Achiever's Legacy, 121, m, 13, by City Zip
1st Dam: Lure The Bear by Lure
2nd Dam: Amelia Bearhart by Bold Hour
3rd Dam: Myrtlewood Lass by Ribot
O: Campbell, G., Cellucci, M., Horowitz, D., Robertson, R. Hollendorfer, J.
B: Richard D Maynard
T: Jerry Hollendorfer
J: Joseph Rocco, Jr.
$40,000 Lifetime: 9-2-0-3,$178,060

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