Black Type Race

Yushun Himba Japanese Oaks - G1, ¥1,520,081, TOK,

05/24/15, 3yo, 2400m, 2:25.00, T.
Margins: 3/4,HF,2 Odds: 5.80,1.70,10.80
1-- Mikki Queen (Jpn), 121, m, 13, by Deep Impact (Jpn)
1st Dam: Musical Way (Fr) by Gold Away (Ire)
2nd Dam: Mulika (Fr) by
3rd Dam: Gazelia (Fr) by Icecapade
O: Mizuki Noda
B: Northern Farm
T: Yasuo Ikee
J: S. Hamanaka
$1,029,326 Lifetime: 8-4-3-0,$2,320,779
1st Dam: Ginger Punch by Awesome Again
2nd Dam: Nappelon by Bold Revenue
3rd Dam: Sally Go Gray by Wise Exchange
O: U Carrot Farm
B: Northern Farm
T: M. Otake
J: Keita Tosaki
$386,975 Lifetime: 7-3-1-0,$965,451
3-- Culminar (Jpn), 121, m, 13, by Deep Impact (Jpn)
1st Dam: Cursora (Arg) by Candy Stripes
2nd Dam: Calorica (Arg) by Ahmad (Arg)
3rd Dam: Canchera (Arg) by Pepenador
O: U Carrot Farm
B: Northern Farm
T: N. Sugai
J: Kenichi Ikezoe
$230,522 Lifetime: 5-2-1-1,$807,824

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