Black Type Race

Rio Grande Senor Thoroughbred Futurity $194,672, RUI,

07/26/15, 2yo, 5 1/2f, 1:4.77.
Margins: 1 1/4,1,5 Odds: 6.40,1.20,2.70
1-- Storm Warrior, 120, g, 12, by Weather Warning
1st Dam: Flying Humor by Distorted Humor
2nd Dam: Flying Donna by Sovereignty
3rd Dam: Redonna by Mr. Leader
O: Amestoy, Jr., Pierre Jean and Leslie A.
B: Pierre Amestoy & Leslie Amestoy
T: Ross A. Amestoy
J: Isaias Cardenas
$97,336 Lifetime: 29-7-2-3,$183,795
2-- Diabolical King, 120, h, 12, by Diabolical
1st Dam: Wildcat Diva by Forest Wildcat
2nd Dam: Diva's Debut by Deputy Minister
3rd Dam: Prima Maria by First Landing
O: Robison, J. Kirk and Judy
B: J. Kirk Robison & Judy Robison
T: Henry Dominguez
J: Enrique Portillo Gomez
$38,934 Lifetime: 35-4-7-4,$162,523
3-- Stormin the Jewels, 120, g, 12, by Attila's Storm
1st Dam: Bold Jubilation by Smoke Glacken
2nd Dam: Boldly Victorious by Bold Executive
3rd Dam: Palace Songster by Palace Music
O: J and SM, Inc.
B: Cynthia H. Dick
T: Fred I. Danley
J: Irwin J. Rosendo
$23,361 Lifetime: 30-6-9-7,$471,857

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