Black Type Race

Prix Francois Boutin - L, €61,100, DEA,

08/16/15, 2yo, 1400m, 1:26.19, T.
Margins: 3HF,3,1HF Odds: 9.10,15.00,2.00
1st Dam: Midnight Flash (Ire) by Anabaa Blue (GB)
2nd Dam: Midnight Queen (Ger) by Platini (Ger)
3rd Dam: Midnight Fever (Ire) by Sure Blade
O: Mulungu Bloodstock
B: Haras d'Ecouves
T: F. Doumen
J: Mickael Barzalona
$30,550 Lifetime: 11-3-0-3,$125,202
1st Dam: Mantadive (Fr) by Okawango
2nd Dam: Missanticia by Sicyos
3rd Dam: Miss Satin (Fr) by Satingo (Ire)
O: Spanish Racing Club 1.0 Sl
B: 1 0ecurie Haras De Beauvoir
T: M. Delcher-Sanchez
J: Cristian Demuro
$12,220 Lifetime: 11-1-3-1,$64,890
3-- Du Pyla (Fr), 128, h, 12, by Vertigineux (Fr)
1st Dam: Do I Worry (Fr) by Charge D'Affaires (GB)
2nd Dam: Alips (Fr) by Beaudelaire
3rd Dam: New Miss (Fr) by
O: A Canavero
B: 1dr.V 1yves Fremiot & 1mme 1eliane Fremi ot
T: C. Scandella
J: Maxime H. Guyon
$9,165 Lifetime: 11-3-2-2,$102,364

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