Black Type Race

Dr. Teresa Garofalo Memorial S. $100,000, PRX,

09/05/15, 3yo, 7f, 1:25.39.
Margins: 1 3/4,3, 3/4 Odds: 0.80,15.00,6.80
1-- Discreet Senorita, 117, m, 13, by Discreet Cat
1st Dam: Senorita Louisa by Louis Quatorze
2nd Dam: Senorita Cielo by Conquistador Cielo
3rd Dam: Cato Double by Nodouble
O: Rosemore Farms, Inc. and Dun Roamin Farms, Inc.
B: Dun Roamin Farm & Rosemore Farms
T: Edward Lehman
J: Frankie Pennington
$60,000 Lifetime: 9-5-1-0,$186,920
2-- Busy Busy Busy, 117, m, 13, by Andiron
1st Dam: Empty Canvas by Catienus
2nd Dam: Hillary Step by Chimes Band
3rd Dam: Cadillac Women by Carr de Naskra
O: Tea Party Stable
B: Tea Party Stable, Inc.
T: Carl Doran
J: David Cora
$25,000 Lifetime: 4-2-1-0,$71,680
3-- Capar Girl, 119, m, 13, by Munnings
1st Dam: Bumble Bee Mama by Notebook
2nd Dam: Whirl's Girl by Island Whirl
3rd Dam: Horsafire by Hold Your Peace
O: Thomas G. McClay
B: Lindsay Scott & Jane MacElree
T: T. Bernard Houghton
J: Joshua Navarro
$11,000 Lifetime: 13-4-2-5,$180,455

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