Black Type Race

Premio Divino Amore-Trofeo Sga - L, €46,620, ROM,

09/05/15, 2yo, 1000m, 0:57.48, T.
Margins: 2,3,2 Odds: 0.75,1.65,28.75
1-- Zapel (GB), 123, h, 12, by Kyllachy (GB)
1st Dam: Viadeigiardini (GB) by Dubai Destination
2nd Dam: La Virtu (Ire) by Mozart (Ire)
3rd Dam: Heaven Only Knows by High Top (Ire)
B: Soc. Agr. Allevamento Di Zenzalino SRL
T: Stefano Botti
J: Carlo Fiocchi
$21,191 Lifetime: 55-11-13-6,$292,471
2-- Ottone (GB), 131, h, 12, by Dutch Art (GB)
1st Dam: Contemporary (Ire) by Alzao
2nd Dam: Crumpetsfortea (Ire) by Henbit
3rd Dam: Butter Knife (Ire) by Sure Blade
B: Allevamento La Nuova Sbarra
J: Fabio Branca
$9,324 Lifetime: 25-3-2-2,$103,208
3-- Monte Oe (Ity), 123, h, 12, by Pounced
1st Dam: Love Danzing (Ity) by Roi Danzig
2nd Dam: Eros Love (Ity) by Love The Groom
3rd Dam: Pierosa (Fr) by In Fijar
B: Mura Francesco Diego
J: Germano Marcelli
$5,086 Lifetime: 56-4-11-10,$77,647

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