Black Type Race

Turf Monster H. - G3, $300,000, PRX,

09/07/15, 3yo+, 5f, 0:55.81, T.
Margins: NO,1,NK Odds: 2.00,5.30,5.70
1-- Pure Sensation, 118, g, 14, by Zensational
1st Dam: Pure Disco by Disco Rico
2nd Dam: V For Vera by Concorde's Tune
3rd Dam: Pure Fire by Fire Dancer
O: Patricia A. Generazio
B: Patricia Generazio
T: Christophe Clement
J: Kendrick Carmouche
$180,000 Lifetime: 13-4-4-2,$461,345
1st Dam: Miss Hot Salsa by Houston
2nd Dam: Miss High Blade by Highland Blade
3rd Dam: Darling Miss Q. by Alydar
O: Mongolian Stable
B: Normandy Farm
T: Enebish Ganbat
J: Paco Lopez
$60,000 Lifetime: 30-6-8-6,$410,926
3-- Sharp Sensation, 121, g, 15, by Sharp Humor
1st Dam: Accusation by Royal Academy
2nd Dam: Accuse by Alleged
3rd Dam: Rascal Rascal by Ack Ack
O: Hill, Jim and Susan
B: Hunter Valley Farm
T: Reade Baker
J: James McAleney
$33,000 Lifetime: 16-6-2-2,$504,427

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