Black Type Race

Premio Repubbliche Marinare - L, €47,393, ROM,

09/13/15, 2yo, 1500m, 1:32.60, T.
Margins: 3,4,HF Odds: 1.20,5.80,9.50
1-- Cassina de Pomm (Ity), 121, m, 12, by Pounced
1st Dam: Clever Annie (Ire) by Danehill Dancer (Ire)
2nd Dam: Claal (Ger) by Alzao
3rd Dam: Claw (Ire) by Law Society
O: Dioscuri Srl
B: not available
T: Stefano Botti
J: Carlo Fiocchi
$21,542 Lifetime: 9-4-0-2,$106,223
2-- Moira in Love (Ity), 121, m, 12, by Prussian
1st Dam: Empire in Love (Ity) by Single Empire (Ire)
2nd Dam: Nicol Love (Ity) by Nicolotte (GB)
3rd Dam: Eros Love (Ity) by Love The Groom
B: Bernardoni Roberto
J: Marco Monteriso
$9,479 Lifetime: 51-2-9-2,$34,474
1st Dam: Hamsat Elqamar (GB) by Nayef
2nd Dam: Moon's Whisper by Storm Cat
3rd Dam: East of the Moon by Private Account
B: Natton House Thoroughbreds
J: Salvatore Sulas
$5,170 Lifetime: 18-5-3-3,$58,996

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