Black Type Race

Criterium de Saint-Cloud - G1, €275,175, STC,

11/01/15, 2yo, 2000m, 2:15.46, T.
Margins: 2HF,3,HD Odds: 2.70,2.50,21.00
1st Dam: Cloghran (Fr) by Muhtathir (GB)
2nd Dam: The WIse Lady (Fr) by Ganges
3rd Dam: Miller's Lily (Fr) by Miller's Mate (GB)
O: Cross/Deal/Foden/Sieff
B: Mme Monique Lepeudry
T: Hjl Dunlop
J: Tony Piccone
$157,235 Lifetime: 34-6-8-3,$688,843
1st Dam: Strawberry Fledge by Kingmambo
2nd Dam: Lingerie (GB) by Shirley Heights (GB)
3rd Dam: Northern Trick by Northern Dancer
O: Godolphin S.N.C.
B: Peter Anastasiou
T: Andre Fabre
J: Mickael Barzalona
$62,905 Lifetime: 20-7-4-6,$3,428,698
3-- Notte Bianca (Fr), 122, m, 12, by Kendargent (Fr)
1st Dam: Biancarosa (Ire) by Dalakhani (Ire)
2nd Dam: Rosa Di Brema (Ity) by Lomitas (GB)
3rd Dam: Oshima (Ire) by Danehill
O: T Yoshida
B: 4m. 1teruya Yoshida
T: S. Kobayashi
J: Alexis Badel
$31,453 Lifetime: 5-1-1-1,$61,084

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