Black Type Race

Tri Equestrian Silver S. - L, €53,411, CUR,

06/04/16, 3yo+, 10.0f, 2:8.25, T.
Margins: 1,2 1/4,4HF Odds: 1.75,3.00,2.50
1-- Portage (Ire), 135, h, 13, by Teofilo (Ire)
1st Dam: Galley (GB) by Zamindar
2nd Dam: Dockage by Riverman
3rd Dam: Golden Alibi by Empery
O: Godolphin
B: Barbara Prendergast
T: M Halford
J: Shane Foley
$31,512 Lifetime: 10-4-3-0,$286,913
1st Dam: Jakonda by Kingmambo
2nd Dam: Mystery Trip by Belong to Me
3rd Dam: Weekend Surprise by Secretariat
O: Qatar Racing Limited
B: Viktor Timoshenko
T: G. M. Lyons
J: Colin T. Keane
$10,148 Lifetime: 13-5-6-1,$207,719
3-- Sir Isaac Newton (GB), 135, g, 13, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: Shastye (Ire) by Danehill
2nd Dam: Saganeca by Sagace (Fr)
3rd Dam: Haglette by Hagley
O: Derrick Smith, Mrs John Magnier & Michael Tabor
B: Newsells Park Stud
T: Aidan P. O'Brien
J: Emmet John McNamara
$4,807 Lifetime: 12-3-3-1,$294,070

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