Black Type Race

Prix Amandine - L, €61,270, ML,

07/04/16, 3yo, 1400m, 1:26.06, T.
Margins: NO,1 1/4,HD Odds: 0.00,3.30,10.00
1-- Come Alive (GB), 123, m, 12, by Dansili (GB)
1st Dam: Portrayal by Saint Ballado
2nd Dam: True Glory (Ire) by In the Wings (GB)
3rd Dam: Truly Special (Ire) by Caerleon
O: Godolphin S.N.C.
B: Darley
T: Andre Fabre
J: Mickael Barzalona
$30,635 Lifetime: 7-3-1-0,$76,546
2-- Midweek (GB), 128, m, 12, by Motivator (GB)
1st Dam: Contiguous by Danzig
2nd Dam: Modena by Roberto
3rd Dam: Mofida (GB) by Right Tack (GB)
O: K. Abdullah
B: Juddmonte Farms Ltd
T: C. Head-Maarek
J: Vincent Cheminaud
$12,254 Lifetime: 7-1-3-0,$67,874
3-- Rien Que Pour Toi (Fr), 123, m, 12, by Orpen
1st Dam: Ilinka (Fr) by Gentlewave (Ire)
2nd Dam: Graceful Bering by Bering (GB)
3rd Dam: Parioli by Bold Bidder
O: S Castanheira
B: 1 0s.A. Le Thenney
T: T. Castanheira
J: Christophe Soumillon
$9,191 Lifetime: 10-1-1-2,$41,038

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