Black Type Race

Prix de Liancourt - L, €61,374, CHY,

09/01/16, 3yo, 2100m, 2:11.07, T.
Margins: 1,HF,1 1/4 Odds: 18.00,3.30,21.00
1st Dam: Sapfo (Fr) by Peintre Celebre
2nd Dam: Granadilla (GB) by Zafonic
3rd Dam: Epagris (GB) by Zalazl
O: Pa Stein
B: Hubert Honore
T: N. Clement
J: Sebastien Maillot
$30,687 Lifetime: 6-2-2-1,$66,290
2-- Switching, 123, m, 12, by Street Cry (Ire)
1st Dam: Wavering (Ire) by Refuse To Bend (Ire)
2nd Dam: Summertime Legacy (GB) by Darshaan (GB)
3rd Dam: Zawaahy by El Gran Senor
O: Godolphin S.N.C.
B: Darley
T: Andre Fabre
J: Mickael Barzalona
$12,275 Lifetime: 9-1-3-0,$69,028
3-- Palinodie (Fr), 123, m, 12, by Doctor Dino (Fr)
1st Dam: Palmeriade (Fr) by Kouroun (Fr)
2nd Dam: Palmeria (Fr) by Great Palm
3rd Dam: Garmeritte by Garde Royale (Ire)
O: D McMillan
B: Ecurie Maulepaire
T: E&g Leenders
J: Gregory Benoist
$9,206 Lifetime: 6-1-0-4,$53,756

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