Black Type Race

Kingarvie S. $94,913, WO,

09/25/16, 2yo, 1 1/16m, 1:45.87, AW.
Margins: HD,2HF, 3/4 Odds: 21.50,1.40,3.60
1-- Jurojin, 117, g, 11, by Giant Gizmo
1st Dam: Copelan County by Gibson County
2nd Dam: Lady Janell by Copelan
3rd Dam: by
O: Bird, Sandra M. and Ladoucer, Sarah
B: Sandra Bird
T: Harold Ladouceur
J: Luis Contreras
$56,948 Lifetime: 4-2-0-0,$79,836
1st Dam: Anne's Purse by Porto Foricos
2nd Dam: Blue Spanish Eyes by Regal Classic
3rd Dam: Spanish Play by Great Gladiator
O: J.R. Racing Stable Inc.
B: Hill 'N' Dale Farms
T: John A. Ross
J: Gary Boulanger
$18,983 Lifetime: 4-2-2-0,$199,200
3-- Pachi Cruze, 119, g, 11, by Valid N Bold
1st Dam: Doctor Britt by Raffie's Majesty
2nd Dam: Atlantalady by Capitol South
3rd Dam: Busty by Fuzzbuster
O: Jose Corrales
B: Gordon A Simmons
T: Jose Corrales
J: Eurico Rosa Da Silva
$10,440 Lifetime: 6-2-1-2,$141,768

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