Black Type Race

Stewards Cup - G1, HK$1,289,000, ST,

01/30/17, 3yo+, 1600m, 1:34.38, T.
Margins: 3/4,HF,NK Odds: 2.10,17.00,3.60
1-- Sir Andrew (Fr), 126, h, 13, by Polan (Fr)
1st Dam: High Zaff (GB) by High Chaparral (Ire)
2nd Dam: Zaffrani (Ire) by Danehill
3rd Dam: Zariysha (Ire) by Darshaan (GB)
O: Sir Po-shing & Lady Woo, Wilson WooKaWah, Jackson WooKaBiu & Dawson WooKaChung
B: A. Jordan Torres
T: J. Moore
J: Tommy Dean Berry
$734,730 Lifetime: 20-6-4-2,$2,358,364
2-- Joyful Trinity (Ire), 126, g, 13, by Zanzibari
1st Dam: Bargouzine by Stravinsky
2nd Dam: Bailonguera (Arg) by Southern Halo
3rd Dam: Balromana (Arg) by Logical
B: Ecurie Peregrine Sas
J: Gerald Mosse
$283,580 Lifetime: 22-7-4-5,$1,480,800
3-- Able Friend (Aus), 126, g, 16, by Shamardal
1st Dam: Ponte Piccolo (Nz) by Volksraad (GB)
2nd Dam: Baronia (Nz) by Half Iced
3rd Dam: Barron Fey by Scottish Rifle
B: Ramsey Pastoral Co Pty Ltd
J: Joao Moreira
$128,900 Lifetime: 23-12-3-4,$7,557,954

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