Black Type Race

Miss Gracie S. $100,000, GP,

09/16/17, 3yo, 7 1/2f, 1:31.23, T.
Margins: NO,HF,HF Odds: 3.60,3.10,2.20
1-- Katinka, 117, m, 11, by Kantharos
1st Dam: Classy City Lady by Carson City
2nd Dam: Classy Place by Out of Place
3rd Dam: by
O: Shadybrook Farm, Inc. and Klein, Pam
B: Wendy Christ & Kathie Haines
T: Michael Yates
J: Leonel Reyes
$60,140 Lifetime: 12-2-2-2,$135,840
2-- Surprise Wedding, 119, m, 11, by High Cotton
1st Dam: Happy Honeymoon by Honour and Glory
2nd Dam: Honeymoon Sweep by End Sweep
3rd Dam: Whirling Creek by Island Whirl
O: William A. T. Rainbow
B: Mr. & Mrs. William A. T. Rainbow
T: David Fawkes
J: Jesus M. Rios
$19,400 Lifetime: 10-3-2-0,$249,105
3-- Gran Cherry, 121, m, 11, by First Dude
1st Dam: Poppy's Baby Girl (GB) by Yankee Victor
2nd Dam: Golden Wave Band by Dixieland Band
3rd Dam: Wind Talk by Drone
O: Granpollo Stable
B: Murray Stroud
T: Victor Barboza, Jr.
J: Emisael Jaramillo
$9,700 Lifetime: 12-3-3-1,$121,530

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