Black Type Race

New Mexico Classic Cup Oaks Championship S. $140,000, ZIA,

10/29/17, 3yo, 6f, 1:10.55.
Margins: 3,HD,4HF Odds: 19.70,3.00,12.30
1-- Sidewinder Sally, 121, m, 11, by Mr. Gold Mover
1st Dam: Tef's Porche by Expressman
2nd Dam: Extra Portion by Apalachee
3rd Dam: by
O: Driggers, Robert M. and Ivey, Ben Lee
B: Ivey Cattle Co.
T: Dan H. Dennison
J: Frank Reyes
$84,000 Lifetime: 4-3-1-0,$121,190
2-- Waltzing Attila, 124, m, 11, by Attila's Storm
1st Dam: Super Sister by Your Eminence
2nd Dam: Sister Bolton by Tilt the Odds
3rd Dam: by
O: Gray, Wesley T. and Gray, Glenda
B: Wesley Gray
T: Nancy Summers
J: Duane Lee Sterling
$30,800 Lifetime: 9-4-2-1,$184,253
3-- I'm a Dancin Who, 121, m, 11, by Indian Firewater
1st Dam: Belly Dance by Robyn Dancer
2nd Dam: Shelley's Belle by Cherokee Run
3rd Dam: by
O: Brooks, Joe Dee, Bryant, Scott, Hubbard, Derrol, Lewis, R. Lee and Rushing, Ted
B: Sam E. Stevens & Sammy L. Stevens
T: Todd W. Fincher
J: Tracy J. Hebert
$14,000 Lifetime: 9-2-1-2,$44,676

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