Black Type Race

Grosser Preis von RONDO FOOD - Niederrhein-Pokal - G3, €63,855, KRE,

11/05/17, 3yo+, 2050m, 2:17.08, T.
Margins: 3,1,9 1/4 Odds: 14.00,5.80,18.30
1-- Veneto (Ger), 127, h, 12, by New Approach (Ire)
1st Dam: Venia Legendi (Ger) by Zinaad (GB)
2nd Dam: Vecchia Romagna (GB) by Salse
3rd Dam: Princess Eboli (GB) by
O: Gestut Winterhauch
B: not available
T: Andreas Suborics
J: Alexander Pietsch
$37,152 Lifetime: 9-5-0-0,$79,345
2-- Devastar (Ger), 127, h, 13, by Areion (Ger)
1st Dam: Deva (Ger) by Platini (Ger)
2nd Dam: Diana's Quest (Ire) by Rainbow Quest
3rd Dam: Diana Dance by Northern Dancer
O: Gestut Park Wiedingen
B: Gestut Park Wiedingen
T: Markus Klug
J: Martin Seidl
$13,932 Lifetime: 23-5-5-3,$181,859
3-- Capitano (Ger), 125, h, 12, by Paolini (Ger)
1st Dam: Carabiola (Fr) by Grape Tree Road (GB)
2nd Dam: Ostrava (Ire) by Lashkari (GB)
3rd Dam: Zahrana (Ire) by Nishapour (Fr)
O: Stall Walzertraum
B: not available
T: Jens Hirschberger
J: Lukas Delozier
$6,966 Lifetime: 16-3-3-1,$62,280

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