Black Type Race

King Glorious S. $100,000, LRC,

12/16/17, 2yo, 1m, 1:38.76.
Margins: 1 1/4,2 1/4,1 1/4 Odds: 4.00,7.50,5.20
1-- Intimidate, 119, h, 10, by Vronsky
1st Dam: Perfect Hostess by Perfect Mandate
2nd Dam: Saratoga Launch by Relaunch
3rd Dam: Aly Sara by Saratoga Six
O: Eaton, James A., Hess, Maria E. and Muldoon, Don
B: Donald Muldoon
T: Robert B. Hess, Sr.
J: Mike E. Smith
$57,000 Lifetime: 26-4-2-2,$136,990
2-- Lucky Romano, 117, g, 10, by Lucky Pulpit
1st Dam: Demo Memo by Memo (Chi)
2nd Dam: Ultrafleet by Afleet
3rd Dam: Social Conduct by Vigors
O: Michael A. Moran
B: Double J H Stable, Inc.
T: Mark Glatt
J: Tyler Baze
$19,000 Lifetime: 27-1-6-5,$93,546
3-- Campaigner, 119, g, 10, by Ministers Wild Cat
1st Dam: Brave Journey by Good Journey
2nd Dam: Bravingthethunder by Thunder Gulch
3rd Dam: Brave Raj by Rajab
O: Larry I. Stein
B: Larry Stein
T: Steven Miyadi
J: Tiago Josue Pereira
$12,000 Lifetime: 9-1-1-2,$91,800

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